Looking for guidance.

Hello everyone! My name is Jon and I’m looking for a career change. I’m 22 years old and currently work in policing but I truly dislike my job. I do have sales experience but nothing in the realm of insurance. I’ve researched quite a bit and really find the area of Property and Casualty insurance interesting. I was hoping I could get some advice from other more experienced insurance agents on here. What does your typical day look like? Do you work remote or in an office? And finally what sort of advice would you give someone in my position so that I can start working as soon as possible? I was looking into remote positions for now just because I plan to follow my significant other when they get a job in their field. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to help me out! I’m excited to learn from any of your responses!
I have the utmost gratitude for our boys in blue, but it's a tough dangerous job with lots of stress. Plus you can be held personally liable for any mistakes made on the job.

I've been a broker for 10yrs, and do only commercial p&c. Glad to have you on here.

There are lots of veterans happy to give advice, I'm one of them. You'll have to put up with some politics and bickering here and there, but there is lots of good on here.