Looking for MD Broker Partnership for Commercial Lines


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm currently a captive agent and have been for the past three years. I'm starting my own independent agency and been in plans and doing research for the past forth months. I have no problems getting appointments with personal lines due to my good track record and loss ratio. Same is not true with commercial carriers since I didn't sell commercial at my captive company. Rather than using the Iroquis, ISAA, SmartChoice, etc.. I would love to partner up with a broker and do a commission split untill I reach a certain premium to leave and get directly appointed. Of course we will work the details in conversation but if there's any brokers out there interested please let me know.
Most of the MD brokers are not interested in this type of relationship. I know very few that will do it.

You may be better served to reach Potomac Insurance network.

Much like SmartChoice but based in Maryland.

The challenge is always walking away with the business. If you can establish responsibility re: servicing, etc. - some of the shops may have interest. Check first with the small agencies. 10 -15 Million in premium.
Most of the MD brokers are not interested in this type of relationship. I know very few that will do it.

You may be better served to reach Potomac Insurance network.

Much like SmartChoice but based in Maryland.

The challenge is always walking away with the business. If you can establish responsibility re: servicing, etc. - some of the shops may have interest. Check first with the small agencies. 10 -15 Million in premium.

I've already talk to Potomac and John, along with the Iroquis and Smart Choices. I just want to make sure I haven't missed any other options since it seems like whoever of those companies I go with I will have to be there for a long time. Sounds like a marriage; happy with them at the begining but there's no telling what's gone happen.
I would agree with that analysis!!

They certainly do go work - but the "divorce" may not be pretty.

Perhaps talking with a few of the companies marketing reps ( those that would offer the appointment ) would be helpful. They can at least steer you toward an agency that may be willing to partner with you.

Keep us posted!
I would agree with that analysis!!

They certainly do go work - but the "divorce" may not be pretty.

Perhaps talking with a few of the companies marketing reps ( those that would offer the appointment ) would be helpful. They can at least steer you toward an agency that may be willing to partner with you.

Keep us posted!

Thanks for the info. I'm actually in talks with one of those marketing reps to do exactly that. The marketing rep is the one that suggested it. I will give updates as I find out.