Looking for Quote Engines for Med Supp's

If you have 3 reputable medicare supp companies selling a F plan, at $150/mo, $165/mo and $180mo - what would be the reason for anyone to buy anything other than the $150/mo carrier?

Assuming all carriers are fairly reputable and well known.

You are correct unless there is a $125 plan you don't know about.

Or if you are asked about a plan in Utah and need to know which company will give the client the best deal.

As I said, I don't need one in CA but I certainly would want to know the lowest priced carriers in TX if I am asked.

If you have 3 reputable medicare supp companies selling a F plan, at $150/mo, $165/mo and $180mo - what would be the reason for anyone to buy anything other than the $150/mo carrier?

Assuming all carriers are fairly reputable and well known.

The "short answer" is to make more commission.

I can't think of any. It really is pretty much of a mute issue.

Any agent who would sell the one for $180 per month is only concerned about the amount of commission they are going to make, not what is in the best interest of their prospect.

This is what you posted, "Why would you need a quote engine, if med supps are all about price? Wouldn't you just sell the lowest priced company? As long as they're reputable?

Unless you want it to discern what's lowest in your state."

In the first paragraph you state "just sell for the lowest priced company". Then you say "Unless you want to discern what's the lowest in your state".

That implies two different thoughts. The first is the "lowest priced company" and the second is "lowest in your state". If you intended it to be one thought then why did you use the word "unless".

It's not being "hung up on semantics" it's about trying to figure out what you were trying to say. I would think, as a professional trainer, you of all people would know that.

I know you are new to Med Supps and I was just trying to understand your comments and respond in a helpful way. Apparently you didn't see it that way. Sorry for trying to help.

Frank, I'm so sorry, I figured splitting up the paragraphs would allow people to realize that they were indeed two thoughts.

1. Why get a quote engine if you really want to sell the lowest price plan in your state?

2. the only reason you might need the quote engine is so that you can learn what's lowest in your state in order to then sell it.

I'll try to be more explicit next time.
I think we are missing the real question. The need is for a med supp quote engine to post on his web site to generate consumer leads.
People like to plug into to get rate information for their comparisons,
on line shopping.
Frank, I'm so sorry, I figured splitting up the paragraphs would allow people to realize that they were indeed two thoughts.

1. Why get a quote engine if you really want to sell the lowest price plan in your state?

2. the only reason you might need the quote engine is so that you can learn what's lowest in your state in order to then sell it.

I'll try to be more explicit next time.

Not a problem buddy. I do not see the need for one. I guess because I've been doing this for so long those are things that I know to stay on top of.

The only reason I can think of is what inreverse just posted.

That may be what he calls himself but there is nothing "inreverse" about that line of thinking.

That was a great suggestion. I can see that dramatically boosting Med Supp sales.
I have been looking for one myself, you are right, it would have a significant impact on lead generation. I am afraid the cost of programing would be out of my budget. Maybe Craig Ritter could let us know who did his programing, etc for his quote engine. It would be a great tool, especially for his down line agents.
So I am assuming due to all the post thus far, no one knows of a quote engine that can be placed into a website. I am still looking if anyone know.

Thank you!