Looking for Stand Alone Vision Plan

VSP Home

You can get appointed with VSP and offer it. Probably the best known plan out there.
Just make sure you know how the rating works with groups (if you do any groups).

Marketing vision seems to me to be a get poor quick kind of scheme. Doing it as an add-on is a decent thing.

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Cool, I can understand that.
With the caveat that I know nothing about North Carolina, some health plans allow you to add vision as well. Personally, I prefer VSP.

The problem with vision is if you run the numbers, you do better going to costco to get glasses.

I am with you on the Costco vision. The problem is you can't talk someone into buying the health coverage they need and you can't talk them out of the dental/vision they don't need.
I had the same thing recently. They mentioned they were more interested in vision coverage than getting health insurance coverage. They didn't even have medical insurance to begin with.
Check out dentasaver.com Its $10 for an individual and $20 for a family. They use the Aetna dental PPO.