Considering Genw. Life Ins. Co. has well over $16 BILLION dollars in LTC insurance reserves, I don't think the $35 million dollar gain from this sale is "burning furniture for lack of coal."
Let's see..... $35 million is about two-thousandths of 1% of their LTCi reserves.
In other words, that $35 million is .22% of the amount of money they have in LTCi reserves.
If the $16 Billion was the size of clearlight's head, the $35 million would be smaller than an eyelash.
Assuming they make only 4% per year on their LTCi reserves (the actual return is probably much higher), they would make $35 million in interest on the reserves EVERY 20 days.
Statements like this:
"...they appear to be burning the furniture for lack of coal..."
are ignorant and unprofessional and certainly border on unethical and unfair sales practices.
I need to go back to school. I didn't realize that .22% was 2 thousanths of 1%