LTD and Unemployment: Should I Stop LTDs?


New Member
Looking for an advice...
Like I described in the other thread, I have 2 LTD policies from MetLife, which totals to $305 monthly, or $3660 annual for both. However, I have been unemployed for last 2.5 months.
I was wondering, since I don't have an income at this point, what those policies are "protecting" right now? Do I get anything from them in case something happens to me while I am unemployed?
I have heard that I can sort of stop them temporarily till I get a new job. The question then is: should I do that? If I do not get any protection from my policies while unemployed anyway, then I probably should stop paying. If I am still covered (WHAT AMOUNT???) than it might make sense not to stop them, just in case.

Your suggestions please...