Lying About Not Having Employer Coverage.

Or, you can ask yourself if the person is an employee, gets paid on a W-2, and actually joins the main group plan? The answer is no in all 3.

He gets a 1099 for his pension, he is not classified as an employee, and the pension plan he can join is not the actual group plan (in MOST circumstances)
We call his employer together. The woman tells me it is a good plan with only a $1000 deductible and he is "#$#W" lucky she offers it at all. I ask how much it would cost my client to take the coverage. She flat out tells me she doesn't know, and she can't tell me because they do, in fact, charge employees more based on their age and she doesn't have the paperwork in front of her to know how much my client would be charged and she doesn't feel like looking it up.

You handled that well. If she responded to you that way, she is extremely immature. It's amazing how dumb some of these people are, thinking that they're doing their employees a favor. I've had a couple of people quit their jobs, and take jobs without health insurance, so they could buy on the exchange for their families.

One was a paralegal. I told her that she couldn't get an exchange plan, and she said I'll be calling you back soon. Heard from her about two months later at a new law office with no group coverage. Unfortunately it's not that simple for most people.
Thanks Bill.

Yeah, I was surprised she spoke to me like that, a complete stranger who was being pretty nice to her. Based on the wages they are paying, it would be better for them to let people go to the exchange. It's not like they would owe the penalty with only 12 employees.