Maine Supreme Court: Anthem's Profit Can Be Limited

I have no idea what that means, or even implies.
My whiskey is safe.
Carriers want the mandate, remember?
Unlike the Massachusetts mandate, which has teeth and rather stuff penalties, the national mandate has neither.

The people who don't want it will sit out
The people who can't afford it will sit out, despite the subsidies
The people earning 400%+ of FLP will sit out.

The $225 fine is a joke and the IRS has been stripped of their collection powers.
They pay less to doctors for medical procedures.

BX and UHC both have made headlines in GA over stalled contract negotiations in the last few years. In several cases both sides dug in and refused to hit a midpoint. The contract expired, both sides continued to point fingers, then a few days later they kissed and made up.

The providers need the carriers just like the carriers need providers. A busted deal hurts providers and patients more than carriers from a financial perspective, but the carriers reputation gets bruised when it makes the 6 o'clock news.

Carriers have the ability to diversify in to other areas to stay afloat and generate income. UHC is a prime example.

Hospitals don't really have that luxury.

Carriers are moving in to the data collection and assimilation industry, especially as the govt tries to put them out of the risk management business.

Those who root for a govt takeover of health insurance must have blinders on. What the govt is doing now with Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare is a disaster.

And then there is PCIP . . . .