Male, 68; Diabetic, Had Cancer and


100+ Post Club
on dialysis. Looking for a GI other than Vantis. 10,000 to 15000. I think vantis is around 72.12
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Give more details. There might be other options. You mentioned had cancer. What type? How long ago? Cancer free? How often is he taking dialysis? Is he terminal?

What other options could this guy have, given his post? Anything else would have to be GI, and as mentioned vantis and MOO is the cheapest by far.
What other options could this guy have, given his post? Anything else would have to be GI, and as mentioned vantis and MOO is the cheapest by far.

Depending upon some answers to my questions it's possible I can take him. We take dialysis as long as its not end stage or terminal. Now it depends on cancer. Our premium and policy is similar without the huge chargeback period plus better commissions.