- 7,066
The best demographics I've found for the Medicare market are:
Age -- start at age 64 and returns gradually increase by age through 79. There are sharp upward spikes at 82, 83, and 90 -- but I'd recommend capping age at 79 or 80 because of insurability and senility issues.
Income -- top responding group by far is $0-$15K, with returns gradually dropping through the brackets up to $60K. Then, they spike in the $60K-$70K bracket. After that, they begin dropping like a rock. I'd cap at $70K.
Geo -- rural almost always outperforms urban, unless you're looking for Dual-Eligible SNP customers.
Dwelling Type -- Rural Routes perform the best, followed by Apartments, with Single Family Dwelling Units coming in last. Don't forget that most agents never mail PO Boxes -- so I recommending testing them. About 80% of these will provide a contact phone number.
Hope some of this helps. Good selling to you all!
Good information.
When I order a list, I don't order "leads", I take a slightly different approach as I'm sure you know. I don't start with those 64, I begin at age 67 and like you stay away from those 80 and above. I have found the T65 people too difficult and time consuming to deal with.
I also set the income minimum at $15,000. I want to stay away from people on Medicaid, I don't sell MA plans. Other than that I have also found the income levels you stated to be spot on.
Between now and October 1 rural will definitely the most productive, however, I see urban having great potential after that.
I really haven't noticed much difference in dwelling type. I have a lot of clients ranging from apartments and trailer parks to upscale single dwelling homes.