Marriage and Birth Records for Lead Generation?


New Member

I have been looking for a way to "easily" obtain marriage and birth records in my state for a marketing campaign. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :idea:

I intend to focus my mailing on rapid issue term and graded death policies.

So, do you have any experience (good or bad) with a similar strategy?
I intend to focus my mailing on rapid issue term and graded death policies.

Well, if they're suffering from insomnia, that ought to cure it.

So, do you have any experience (good or bad) with a similar strategy?

I do.

Unless you can come up with something creative that captures someone's attention, you're doomed to something like a .00000002 response rate (and that's being generous).

Boring is even worse than bad.
Care to throw a newer life agent a bone? What do you recommend as a acceptable strategy to drive new Life business?
Care to throw a newer life agent a bone? What do you recommend as a acceptable strategy to drive new Life business?

I'm throwing you probably the most valuable bone (if you realize it) that will ever be tossed your way.

Absolutely nobody (except maybe you) cares about "rapid issue term", and "graded death benefits". It sounds like you got this from an insurance company?

People's eyes will glaze over!!!

I think it was Zig Ziglar who said, "people don't care what it IS, they care what it DOES."

Here's what most folks care about: what happens to their children if they're not around...if their spouse can maintain a standard of living if their death occurs...

Forget the product features, nobody cares, except for the insurance company!