Med Supp B2B?


5000 Post Club
Anyone try or have luck with prospecting small businesses for med supps? Just dropping in to see if there are any older workers who might not be on a company plan and looking for a supp plan or better rate or maybe folks who might have an interest on behalf of their parents.

If anyone has experience here that would be appreciated. If not.....well....that is fine too.

These days, with more and more seniors still working, you might be on to something. The funny thing that I've run across with the over 65's still working is that some of them are still on the group health and paying out the yazoo for it! Then I find some that are over 65 and because they were on BCBS, they call BCBS and get put on some kind of plan that they still pay twice the price for and BCBS tells them it's a supplement to their medicare...they don't say it's a medicare supplement (as in standardized), but a supplement to their medicare. Talk about mis-leading! These seniors don't even know that difference and because it's the Great and Mighty BCBS they just take them at their word and buy it!
This is very interesting. I find more and more t65 still working. If anyone has any prospecting ideas please share.
I have a friend that is in HR at a local hospital. She has many of my cards and a little flyer I put together with rates from several Med Supp carriers along with some contact information. When someone retires, she gives them my information. I get maybe 10 calls a year and sell most of them. I really need to develop more of these relationships. My mother is the HR person for her employer as well and I get a few calls. She has meetings every couple of months with other HR people in the community. I think I might see if I can speak at the next meeting.
If you're prospecting businesses and stumble across a person over 65 and wants to discuss it with you take along scope of appointment forms or you can't talk to them.