Med Supp Telemarketing


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I work with a telemarketer who provides leads from folks who would like a quote on their medicare supplement.How do I remain compliant if after I call them I find out they actually have a MAP, or after my initial conversation with them it appears they are actually a better fit for an MAP?
I work with a telemarketer who provides leads from folks who would like a quote on their medicare supplement.How do I remain compliant if after I call them I find out they actually have a MAP, or after my initial conversation with them it appears they are actually a better fit for an MAP?

As I understand it you are contacting them because you want to talk to them about a Med Supp plan. There are no restrictions preventing you from doing that.

If they have an MAPD or just a MA plan then you can still talk to them about Med Supps, however, I don't think you should discuss their MA plan in detail with them.

There are others who are better versed on MA's than I am. I only sell Med Supps but that is the way I handle it when I run into a situation like that.

It very seldom happens to me because I generate my own leads.
I work with a telemarketer who provides leads from folks who would like a quote on their medicare supplement.How do I remain compliant if after I call them I find out they actually have a MAP, or after my initial conversation with them it appears they are actually a better fit for an MAP?

As Frank said, you can continue to talk to thema bout med sups regardless of what they have. If they initiaate the conversation about MA, MAPD or PDP, you have two choices, record the phone conversation where they give you permission to talk to them about part C and/or D and be able to keep that recording for 10 years or get the SOA form signed by them and then proceed with a discussion on MA, MAPD, PDP.

There are no exceptions to this. They must give you explicit permission to talk to them about parts C and/or D and it must be recorded either verbally or written.