Medicare Advantage Leads

Before you go to buy an aged-in list...
I have bought 1,000's of names and called them myself and had a service do so. It is literally like picking through hay seed! (Not that I have done that, but I've heard about it).

The big thing is, you must buy them at 'least' three months out. If you buy them for the month of or after, generally these people are highly targeted and are either: 1) ticked off because they are being called and hunted down like a small animal or 2) they have already selected their path.

So three/four months out! It gives you time to develop a telephone relationship with them. Here is what I say and it usually illicits a response... " I say... I bet you will be glad to turn 65... alot of calls and mail huh?' They start talking. I agree, emphasis with them and then tell them 'why I am different'. I then try to set a time to sit with them to 'help them sort out their options'. That is what they want and I help them do it. That is why I do 60+ apps a month.

Even with the three/four month out list, you still face... 'call me closer in, or don't call me again... as they are the 'hunted' in our industry. But making what you do 'different' is the key!

As expensive as it is, the best method for me has been an informational 'newsletter' that I mail out. I do not include a BRC though. By the time you get it back, they have been overrun with cards and calls and forget. I give them my number and I get calls back.

Setting yourself up as a purveyor of information is the key. So use the list to do it that way... That's my input given that I have spent huge money trying to find the best way. Frankly, there aren't too many 'best ways' in our biz.