Todd I'll be blunt . You're a small ass imo in the mapd space . 2 nd to top Fmo's make $250 per app . Shops like neihloss and Fleming and Gordon marketing . Fmo's that have 50-100 employees and do 50-100 k mapd apps a yr .With your type vol you might be at $150-$175 an app override . Stay in your fe and med sup lane
I'm just telling you what the FMO override is. If they are at another level, maybe NMO, I'm not going to doubt that, but the FMO override is not what you keep saying. It may be a matter of semantics, but a GA is a GA, MGA is MGA, etc. There are certain commissions for those levels. There are not 2 different GA's, or MGA's. There are not more than one FMO unless they are labeled as FMO2 or something like that.