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I agree. Knowing this market it will kill sales of MedSupp's and increase sales of MA's. (this statement should produce a firestorm of anger...)
Look if my client has to pay say $100/month for a partial MedSupp with a max payout of $5,250 vs. a MA plan with zero premium, predictable copays, and a MOoP of $3,000. -- Dah!!!
And for all you doubters here's an example:
I have a client who paid $250. / month for her American Republic policy. She wanted the MA plan that her sister had for $16.00 per month. She was in perfect health. Was...
She goes to a restaurant and gets a bad case of C-dif. Ends up in a comma for 3 months in the hospital and months of rehab center (nursing home). This past week she sent me one of her bills for one of her 3 hospital stays. It has got to be one of the best examples of MA performance I've ever seen.
Total charges for just about every known test and treatment known to man was $ 27,000.00. Her portion due: $350.
I know that all of her charges thus far is in the $280,000.00 range. With her MOop of $3,000. she still smells like a rose.
even now pre-such changes I have a hard time justifying Med Sups where its going to cost a senior to include Part D in the $2400 range when a MAPD has a $3000 OOP.---thats a lot of upside possibility given up with very little down side
I would like to start selling Supp since so easier to market without CMS tying of the hands but I have a hard time conciously selling them and MAPD----I dont know how one can believe in/ sell both except in those cases where its a given the OOP will be reached every year.
The Suppers seem much more vocal in their belief in Sups than the MAPDers are in this product but I dont get it when an OOP isnt much higher than a Supp/Part D fixed expense
I dont know if I can in good conscience sell a Sup to most seniors when low/no cost MAPDs with low OOPs exist----I wish I could be convinced that such is in the best interests of the fixed income Senior and not just the agent