Mercy Bought Out by GHP

From "Financial World" (online edition from this afternoon)

...GHP (George Horatio Palmer) has purchased Mercy Adams for three goats and fourteen pigs in the latest Afghan Swap Market transaction in Kabul.

Mercy has five days to report to her new master...
Come on guys its Amanda's first post. Its not like she came in here trying to spam us with offers of her products.
This is pretty big news here in Missouri. GHP is the incarnation of Coventry in Southern and Eastern MO. Mercy is a smaller plan but it has always been well respected.

The reason this was news to me is twofold. One, consolidation has begun and we will soon see which of the 4 carriers are left standing, and two, is there REALLY a chance that Coventry is one of them?
Who the hell are they? GHP, Mercy? Give us a clue, Amanda. I care.

GHp (Group Health Plan) and Mercy are Health Insurance companies in the MO & IL areas. Mercy seemed to be doing fine and all of a sudden yesterday they announced that GHP bought them out so that is kinda bad. Especially because they are one of the few companies that still were carrying maternity benefites. I guess if you are not in the MO or IL area this may not effect you, but here it is huge with all the changes and all these companies cutting comps and plans is really shaky biz.:err:
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This is pretty big news here in Missouri. GHP is the incarnation of Coventry in Southern and Eastern MO. Mercy is a smaller plan but it has always been well respected.

The reason this was news to me is twofold. One, consolidation has begun and we will soon see which of the 4 carriers are left standing, and two, is there REALLY a chance that Coventry is one of them?

Thank you.. I mean, United Health (Golden Rule) bought American Community a week ago and now GHP has bought Mercy and Assurant has announced that they are cutting RightStart, SaveRight, Short Terms and the Max Plan effect July 15th, so there goes about half of their business and best plan (Max). For us here in MO these changes are drastically threatening our buisness. Especially with the potential major charge backs at the end of the year from United Health changing commissions starting today that won't in effect til Jan 1.
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