Metlife, Jackson National, Lincoln

BNTRS. I couldnt agree with you more. Not only are the VA's sexy but they are strong company and a friendly company. I have had wholesalers spend 1000 bucks on a dinner and offer to spend 2-3k for a seminar. My clients that have JNL prospective too annuities are smoking right now. They are up 20-35% and its locked baby !!
Good post with some great information.

I have traditionally used VA's as an additional tax-deferred accumulation bucket, after the client has maxed their qualified accounts and established some NQ monies.

My B/D is now Mass Mutual and it seems like they have a pretty decent VA with good subaccount performance. I do continually hear alot about Jackson National though. Anyone know how I can contact a wholesaler so that he can take me to lunch and give me their story?
Good post with some great information.

I have traditionally used VA's as an additional tax-deferred accumulation bucket, after the client has maxed their qualified accounts and established some NQ monies.

My B/D is now Mass Mutual and it seems like they have a pretty decent VA with good subaccount performance. I do continually hear alot about Jackson National though. Anyone know how I can contact a wholesaler so that he can take me to lunch and give me their story?

Where are you?

I was formerly with Mass and their VA is good, but nowhere close to Jackson - sub accounts, riders, cost, compensation, etc...

I can get my guy to get your wholesalers info and I can forward it... Better check with your agency, mine frowned upon and wouldn't approve outside VA's when I left.
Where are you?

I was formerly with Mass and their VA is good, but nowhere close to Jackson - sub accounts, riders, cost, compensation, etc...

I can get my guy to get your wholesalers info and I can forward it... Better check with your agency, mine frowned upon and wouldn't approve outside VA's when I left.

That would be very much appreciated, I am in Northeastern Ohio.

I'm not sure when you left Mass, nowadays believe it or not the company promotes/gives selling info right on their producers website on the 8 different VA companies they have selling agreements for through MMLISI.

I would really appreciate the help in getting connected with the local wholesaler in my area. By the way, does the Jackson products offer a compensation structure with asset based trailors or is all the comp up-front in year one? Thanks!
That would be very much appreciated, I am in Northeastern Ohio.

I'm not sure when you left Mass, nowadays believe it or not the company promotes/gives selling info right on their producers website on the 8 different VA companies they have selling agreements for through MMLISI.

I left in September 2009. I remember seeing them there, but your GA can "not approve" the VA sale if he feels the Mass VA would do the job. Believe me. It happened. Also even if you sell outside through them, you still get the Mass comp... it was 3.2%.

I would really appreciate the help in getting connected with the local wholesaler in my area. By the way, does the Jackson products offer a compensation structure with asset based trailors or is all the comp up-front in year one? Thanks!

Jackson gives you several comp options, at least 3, sometimes more depending on the product. One is all up front, one is a lot upfront with small trail in the .25 range and one is heavy trails...
I left in September 2009. I remember seeing them there, but your GA can "not approve" the VA sale if he feels the Mass VA would do the job. Believe me. It happened. Also even if you sell outside through them, you still get the Mass comp... it was 3.2%.

Remember, the rules are different for 1-4s. Have to stay with Mass, but that GA is gone too. Of course the GA can always deny outside variable appointments. Also the comp hits the GDC grid. At the 40% that you start at it roughly works out to the same as a Mass VA in comp.
Remember, the rules are different for 1-4s. Have to stay with Mass, but that GA is gone too. Of course the GA can always deny outside variable appointments. Also the comp hits the GDC grid. At the 40% that you start at it roughly works out to the same as a Mass VA in comp.

All true - I should have detailed the 3.2% for outside VA biz, thanks for clearing that up.
All good info fellas....

I am at the 65% mark on the grid with Mass currently, this is based on previous production I was able to work out a deal with my GA that keeps me there through the end of December 2011. However to help validate these numbers going outside of Mass and running VA's through the grid will actually be very beneficial.
CFP call jackson at 800-711-5653 and the prompts are pretty quick to get to the right write internal who will then schedule you with the external (they call them RVPs). You can also most likely get the internal to give you the externals cell number so if you want to reach out that'll work to. You'll also get an e-mail. They are extremely accessible.
Yes sir!!

Well, because with Met, you can also annuitize the benefit base, which is nice. Also, their enhanced DB will pay out twice, and it pays out the benefit base. So, with Met you can take income, and when you die, your spouse can take over the contract. The contract will then have your benefit base as her account value. She can then take income, and when she passes, her benefit base will be the death benefit paid to your child.

Darn nice if you ask me. It isn't a perfect product, but that is pretty nice.