Michelle Bachmann - Funding for the Bill Inside the Bill


100+ Post Club
Quote from Michelle Bachmann blast email:

This week, my colleagues and I were shocked and appalled to find a provision in the Obamacare bill which appropriates $105 billion towards its funding- a complete and fraudulent circumvention of the legislative process.​

In the bill, instead of following the rules and letting the next Congress go through the appropriations process, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats appropriated billions of dollars in funding for Obamacare without holding a single hearing, or even allowing Members of Congress a chance to read the bill. I guess this is what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said "we have to pass the bill, so you can find out what is in it." Even Democrats in Congress were surprised to hear this shocking news.​

Without further action, the bill will be funded, and our efforts will have failed.

I've drafted a petition, and recorded a special video message, to ensure that ObamaCare is defunded. I urge you to immediately take a minute to sign this petition and watch the video by following this link. We must immediately send a message to every Member of Congress that even a single dollar more of federal spending is unacceptable until Obamacare is defunded.​

On Tuesday, I will meet with Members of Congress to discuss immediate plans to rescind this existing funding, and return Obamacare's fate to the hands of the people, who overwhelming rejected it in November's elections. At Tuesday's meeting, I will challenge Members of Congress to stand against the undemocratic actions of the Reid-Pelosi-Obama apparatus, and vote against any additional government spending until Obamacare is completely defunded.​

I need to know you are 100 percent behind my efforts to expose the back-room dealings and secretive tactics Pelosi and Obama have tried to use. I need to know you want Obamacare defunded once and for all. Follow this link right away to sign the petition to defund Obamacare!

In November, the American people clearly and emphatically cast their ballots against Obamacare and the big-government agenda advanced by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. We must stand our ground to defund Obamacare, and we must move quickly to make sure that no taxpayer money is spent on our watch. By signing my petition, you will tell Congress where you stand: against the undemocratic and secretive actions of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, and for our shared Constitutional conservative values.

Please take action before it is too late!

Finally, I ask that you share this petition on Facebook, and forward this email to your friends and family to spread the word. It is our charge to stop this unconstitutional government take-over of our lives!​



Michele Bachmann​

P.S. As a constitutional conservative, I am motivated now more than ever to repeal Obamacare and the first step towards this goal is making sure that it doesn't receive a dime of your tax dollars. Although House Republicans voted overwhelmingly last month to defund the Obamacare law, our vote does not apply to the billions already secretly and fraudulently appropriated by the old Democratic Congress. I need your immediate help to send a message to every Member of Congress. We must immediately defund Obamacare! Please follow this link to sign this petition and pass this email along to your friends and family to spread the word. Thank you!​

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Geneva][FONT=arial,verdana,helvetica,sans-serif]Paid for by Bachmann for Congress[/FONT][/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Geneva][FONT=Arial, Verdana, Geneva]P.O. Box 25950 | Woodbury, MN 55125[/FONT][/FONT]​

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Bachman is the Sarah Palin in The House of Representatives. Great talk, and that's about all. Instead of chopping off small pieces, which can be accomplished, she wants to "defund" the whole bill. No way will this happens. If she had any brains and experience she would put her energies into getting small victories and change the plan as it evolves. No, she wants to make headlines with loud talk, and no plan of action. The Dems and Pres. Obama are ready for compromise and have already accepted some changes. Mr. Boehner will be successful in making other, significant changes. But he and she will not get the whole pie (defund), whatever defund is.
Thanks for posting this, Andrea!!!!!!!!

Most people are NOT aware that Kathleen Sebelius has BILLIONS in her checkbook....right NOW!...because this funding was hidden in 2700 pages of gibberish!

Thanks Nancy!
You passed it.....and now SOME of us CAN read it!

Thanks Michelle Bachmann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The idiots just THINK that you can't even READ.
You GO, girl!!!

Stop these thieves!
Keep this thread current!
Bachman is the Sarah Palin in The House of Representatives. Great talk, and that's about all. Instead of chopping off small pieces, which can be accomplished, she wants to "defund" the whole bill. No way will this happens. If she had any brains and experience she would put her energies into getting small victories and change the plan as it evolves. No, she wants to make headlines with loud talk, and no plan of action. The Dems and Pres. Obama are ready for compromise and have already accepted some changes. Mr. Boehner will be successful in making other, significant changes. But he and she will not get the whole pie (defund), whatever defund is.

Huh? Remove the funding and cut the head off the frigging snake. The house controls the funding process or lack thereof. Where is it written that Obama can make a bold move to adopt a monstrosity through parliamentary shenanigans a/k/a reconciliation but when the opponents are in power they can only chip away at it and should be content with "small victories." Frig that. Go after it, hunt it down, and kill it.

A past congress cannot control the actions of a sitting congress when it comes to ongoing budget matters. If funding was in the original bill it still needs to be approved in each new budget for continuation (some one shot funding excepted) That is the pickle that Obama is in now. In areas where Obama could veto then that is where Congress has to deny him his budget for everything else in the country unless he yields. I am not saying it is pretty or tidy. It is the natual outcome of something blowing up in his face that he rammed through without much/any support in congress or the public. Show some fortitude here. This is no time to just be "changing the plan as it evolves." Let Obama change his plans as it devolves.

Michelle Bachman is not a superstar but she pulls her own weight and that of several others there in Congress. She is on the right track. LET OBAMA BE CONTENT WITH SMALL VICTORIES .
Why are you so worried about Bachman "wanting to make headlines with loud talk, and no plan of action" yet so tolerant of Obama who fits that description to a tee across the board on almost all issues? Take the John Kerry bumper sticker off your car.

Full disclosure: I like Bachman. She is out on the hunt rather than sitting around the campfire with the women to chew leather to make mocassins. I like that.
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I was sent this in an email from a friend who is not in insurance. As we all know from talking to our clients, they may not like insurance companies much, but they like government taking over their lives even less. I was amazed at the reaction we got when this whole thing "passed". We only got a couple of calls saying "Obama is going to take care of me now so screw you". For the most part much of the public is as worried as we are. I don't know much about Michelle Bachmann. One reason I posted this was to see what the thoughts here are (of those who are much more knowledgeable than me), of her, and her intent at defunding. I probably spend too much of the workday on this forum, but I do learn a lot, and get to laugh occasionally too!

There is no such word as "defund", although we know what the user's intent is. For the Health Care bill there is no defund, refund, co-fund or any other act of the House that will kill the bill. However, in each new budget there is funding that can be eliminated that funds certain provisions of the bill. And only if the President concurs will that budget allocation become law. So, unti 2013 the Presidents holds the power.

USA Today has a brief article on the budget process for this law.

Republicans finding it tough to 'defund' health law - USATODAY.com

It is interesting that 62% of the public wants health care reform, but they also dont like certain parts of the new bill. Even many members of this forum agree that there needs to be reform.
You can't make money on something people can not afford and pay for.......

I have a feeling that if the law provided that agents were to be paid 22% of the first-year annual premiums for signing people up for guaranteed-issue, single-payor system that the (few) greed-infested, arch-conservative health insurance agents here who hate President Obama the most, would be jumping up and down singing the praises of the law... and the President.

They got it right in Watergate: Follow the money.
And only if the President concurs will that budget allocation become law. So, unti 2013 the Presidents holds the power.

Much of that is true if one views Obamacare as a standalone venture unrelated to the rest of the budget and other congressional actions. However, it is not.

True, the president can veto any bill that seeks to overturn obamacare, not that it would make it past the Senate anyway as we have seen. However, the president is still dependent on the house to pass an annual budget for all of the rest of government and any new continuation funding. Thus, the president gets caught in a pickle where he is able to hold on to some Obamacare stuff that he will not let go of because it is already law, and to your point, there is not much Congress can do about it. Except, if he doesnt back down on some things voluntarily Congress can withhold funding on just about the entire remainder of governent, so dont be so quick to conclude that it is "game over" as long as Obama is still president.

Think this is all theoretical? Hardly, it is the exact scenario that Obama is up to his arse in right now. Don't think all this newly found flexibility about letting the states do their own thing with Obamacare didnt arise out of the aforementioned pickle that he is in.

All of this talk about Obama moving to the center is a crock. He is a leftie and is simply going the only place he can go once Congress takes his power away from him. And never forget, that Obama's power is and always has been derived from his ability to hand out free stuff. When that party is over, and we are getting closer, then he has no choice but to work with the center. He would prefer though to be doing another round of stimulus, more federal funds for Obamacare, high speed rail to Fort Kent, Maine and Cut Bank, Montana and "winning the future" by spending our way to prosperity. Harder to do with repubicans controlling congress. Not impossible due to the wimps there, but harder. He has to get his entire budget through the house. If he thought that giving the house the finger on Obamacare helps while that is going on then he apparently has learned otherwise in the last couple weeks. Also, despite all his statements to the contrary about Obamacare being a savings rather than an expense, he is not as sure as he used to be that he wants to run that program at the fed level if massive amounts of fed funding are not there to deal with all the over-runs, red ink, etc. He would rather put that albatross on to the states now.

Change you can believe in.
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This is really scary! Not the health care debate but the fact that someone is quoting Michelle Bachmann. This is the woman who tried to scare people by implying that they could be rounded up and placed in concentration camps for filling out their census form. If you want to make a legitimate statement about something , for heaven's sake, don't use this nutbag in the title of the subject.
This is really scary! Not the health care debate but the fact that someone is quoting Michelle Bachmann. This is the woman who tried to scare people by implying that they could be rounded up and placed in concentration camps for filling out their census form. If you want to make a legitimate statement about something , for heaven's sake, don't use this nutbag in the title of the subject.

I am not saying I agree with her or disagree with her on the point she made but you have given an inaccurate account.

She stated that the government, in cahoots with acorn, was asking invasive questions in the census that went beyond what is called for in the constitution. She then offered the example of the government misusing census data to round up Japanese, underscoring the point that you never know what the government can and does do with data and why they need information beyond what the consitutional body count calls for anyway.

You can disagree with that and you can disagree with the example she chose (while also stating she didnt believe the government was doing that, just that overreach and abuse is something that can and does happen) but many consider the underlying concern to be a real one.

I might note further, that the concern she raised is one that was mostly raised by libs who were concerned that the census could be used to round up illegals or to target hispanics for more investigation. Somehow that seemed like a legitimate concern to libs and they and the government went right to work on TV trying to smooth things over.

Further, Bachmann's allegation that the government could do something like that is not theoretical or tin foil hat. The government did do that to the Japanese and despite decades of denial it now clear that the census data was used at least in some instances. If you are convinced that the days of government abuse of personal information are a thing of the past then you are all set. If not, then the government needs to stick to what the constitution says it needs in the census.
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