I'm looking at new rates for Blue Cross of California. At age 70, the difference between F and N is $58 per month. Knock off $15 for Part B deductible (using $180 a year in the future) and the client still saves $43 per month. Rarely does anyone go to the doctor for a visit more than 24 times a year.
If someone goes 25 times, it's a break even against Plan F.
It doesn't matter in this case if someone is diabetic or has COPD, Plan N is by far the best choice. The fact that someone sees doctors on a regular basis does not "disqualify" him from Plan N.
One really needs to do the math to see if N is a better deal than F. In the case of a 70 year old in Los Anglees, F really makes no sense.
Many times a blanket statement about which plan is good and which plan is bad is simply based upon ignorance rather than facts.
Thank you for the correction, but ignorance also keeps people from reading an entire post that stated "depending on which state you live" which was included in my post. Didn't mean to get your panties in a knot by suggesting you buddy may be wrong. You saw a chance to pounce and you didn't read what I wrote. By the way, is he right???
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