More MA Fall-Out


1000 Post Club
Looking at CMS landscapes, it appears SecureHorizons and AARP are not listed in some counties. It appears to be confirmed with SecureHorizons and UnitedHealthProducers web sites. Maybe there was some kind of mistake. Let's not jump to any conclusions…

Now we know why they have been so tight lipped.

Does anyone believe that non-renewal letters will be in the senior's hands anytime soon? :skeptical:

They have till November 2nd! There is no incentive to notify early! This will add to the confusion and anger!
Yeah this industry loves to give one big fire hosing to clients, agents. Like tipping a ship so passengers scramble to the one side , get wet, run back to the other side...wash, rinse, repeat.

But none dare call it churning.
Only thing I've noticed different in my area with secure horizons is the co pays and the silver sneaker program. Out of pocket max is about ~$500 more...silver sneaker is now $10/month

edit: just noticed yesterday that they are not charging the $10...whoops
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I have come across about 7 different people today, in PA, that received a letter from Aetna stating that they will be disenrolled from their PPO effective 12/31. This is an unexpected field day for me but has anyone else come across this? Has anyone heard about this yet?