Moving states as an agent - potholes to avoid?


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I'm making the move from OH to NC this summer. Almost all of my clients are in Ohio - but I have a few in some other states.

I'm a "little bit" concerned about making the license transition smooth. I've been told by the OH and NC DOI's that I need to surrender my resident license, then apply for the NC resident license, then apply for the OH non-resident licenses.

When it comes to carrier appointments, does anyone know if this is a major headache or is it a pretty smooth process? I'm hoping that I will not need to fill out new contracting paperwork for the carriers.

I'm also hoping that it doesn't take more than a week or so to transition. Any experiences on timeframes for these types of transitions?

Any tips from the crowd on how to make the move smooth from a licensing and appointing standpoint, I'm all ears.
Your timeframe is way off. I transferred from one state to another and the process took over a month, closer to 6 weeks, to move the resident license from one state to the other. I'm not sure how it works on the carrier end though.
When I moved from NY to TN I was so confused about how to do it, Both State DOI;s said I needed to cancel my home state first and then apply for the new state then get Non res for previous home state

I was so uncomfortable with that and after talking to a few agents that did this previously said go apply new home state first then do the rest, This is what I did and it worked out

I have near 20 state Lice it took me about a month
Your timeframe is way off. I transferred from one state to another and the process took over a month, closer to 6 weeks, to move the resident license from one state to the other. I'm not sure how it works on the carrier end though.

That's not cool.
Maybe it was 6 weeks But I remember I didn't have to stop taking buis, through transition

That's interesting that you didn't have to stop writing apps. Was it because you got the new resident license first?
Now keep in mind I did not wait till TN was turned res to do app to turn NY to non res but I did wait a week or 10 days after applying TN to submit the NY I can't remember exactly

I did already have TN as a nonres beforehand though