Mutual of Omaha...LTC


1000 Post Club
I have to give credit where credit is due. I've been writing long-term care policies for years. I've had a few folks that had them with me with Conseco, years ago. I couldn't ever get any claims paid. I would send in the requested information again and again and they still wouldn't pay.

I have a policyholder that has an LTC policy with me with Mutual of Omaha that is now in an assisted-living-facility. They sent to the policyholder's POA, what was needed to be completed. I helped fill out the forms. Sent another form that needed completion, to the doctors office that diagnosed the policyholder with Alzheimers.

MoO just sent the POA a letter requesting the monthly bills from the ALF. I went by the POA's house to pick them up. Got back to my office and called MoO to see if I could fax them in. They told me yes and...oh, by the way, we're fixing to pay on her first month's charges that were submitted with the other completed paperwork and as soon as we get the bills you are faxing in, we will pay on those too.

Thanks MoO for a job well done! :yes::cool: