My Coverage Will Now Cost $371 Extra Per Month... which Candidate Can Help Me Pay Less?


Let me start by saying that I do NOT wish to engage in a political discussion.

Starting 01/2016, I'll be paying $371 extra per month for the identical
health insurance coverage that I've had for almost 8 years. My age only
increased by 1... I have not taken up smoking or drinking. My doc says
I'm still in the same good shape as a year ago. So... I assume the
reason for the $371/month increase is ACA.

I don't care who becomes the next president. Democrat, Republican,
Klingon, Vulcan.. whatever.... can someone give me an honest opinion
as to which of the current candidates has a REAL plan to lower my
monthly premium back to where it was last year? (or at least close to
it) I know I shouldn't vote based solely how the effects on my finances,
but I don't really care about anything else right now... except money.

$371 increase is ridiculous. I'm currently paying $249 for the lease
on my BMW convertible. At least the car allows me to enjoy the warm
weather and get laid. With the $371 health insurance increase, I feel
someone is enjoy my money and not giving me anything extra in return.
It's like getting kicked in the private area and having to say thank you
to the person who kicked me. :(

Like I said at the beginning, I do not wish to talk politics... please just
give me a name so I can check it on the ballot and know that my premium
will go down.
Let me start by saying that I do NOT wish to engage in a political discussion. Starting 01/2016, I'll be paying $371 extra per month for the identical health insurance coverage that I've had for almost 8 years. My age only increased by 1... I have not taken up smoking or drinking. My doc says I'm still in the same good shape as a year ago. So... I assume the reason for the $371/month increase is ACA. I don't care who becomes the next president. Democrat, Republican, Klingon, Vulcan.. whatever.... can someone give me an honest opinion as to which of the current candidates has a REAL plan to lower my monthly premium back to where it was last year? (or at least close to it) I know I shouldn't vote based solely how the effects on my finances, but I don't really care about anything else right now... except money. $371 increase is ridiculous. I'm currently paying $249 for the lease on my BMW convertible. At least the car allows me to enjoy the warm weather and get laid. With the $371 health insurance increase, I feel someone is enjoy my money and not giving me anything extra in return. It's like getting kicked in the private area and having to say thank you to the person who kicked me. :( Like I said at the beginning, I do not wish to talk politics... please just give me a name so I can check it on the ballot and know that my premium will go down.

I'm pretty sure that no candidate has any plan to lower the cost of healthcare so they definitely can't lower the cost of health insurance.

If you are low income you will get the costs lowered by subsidies which the Democrats push for.

If you are middle class to affluent you pay more so the poor can be subsidized. The more you are paying the more likely that most Republican candidates would be better for you.

But I have not heard any candidate talk about anything that will control the cost of healthcare. Nothing other than sound bites.
Insurance is a reflection of the market. You bitch about insurance costs, but don't voice a complaint when your local hospital board decides to pay each other 500k a year. Then imagine that 6 or 8 member board in all the hospitals in your state.

The cost of care is rising rapidly because they know they're next. When you check insurance profit margins most are operating at a sub 5% margin. Most fast food chains are up in the 30% margin.

Obamacare is just another insurance plan. The catch is nobody can be turned down and everybody is expected to participate or pay a fine.

If you want control or reduction of premiums, address the drivers of healthcare costs as that is where a majority of your premium is going. 80 cents on the dollar.
Vote for Bernie, and you won't pay a dime in premiums.
Take that to the voting booth.
Oh, and then just be sure to look the other way and pay your taxes like a good American.

Every republican candidate is for expansion of HSA's. The only way to fix the cost issue, is to put the consumer in charge and remove the middle men. Not many industries enjoy a NON transparent pricing environment that can't be picked apart by consumers.

Ex: Lasik eye surgery: Never a middle man, never covered by insurance, last 10 yrs? price is down and quality is up. Ask yourself why?
OldGeorge1950, if your Grandfathered plan went up by that much, you should consider playing the ObamaCare game and purchasing a new health plan on the Exchange. The Government might even let you keep some of your tax dollars to help pay the premium if you meet the qualifications.

BTW..Is 1950 your year of birth, OldGeorge? If so, why are you not on Medicare? That would cost less than a private health plan. All you'd need to buy is a supplement(s) to pay the medical expenses that Medicare doesn't pay.
Ex: Lasik eye surgery: Never a middle man, never covered by insurance, last 10 yrs? price is down and quality is up. Ask yourself why?

Cosmetic surgery. It actually costs somewhat less today than it did 30 years ago, given the rate of inflation. No, not the rate of MEDICAL inflation, the rate of real inflation.

Of course it's not covered by a big faceless insurance company whose premiums are paid by your employer, who is partially funded by tax breaks. When you want cosmetic surgery, they tell you the price up front, and you decide if you want to purchase the service. Amazing what some transparency and personal funding will do.
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