My personal experience with Aflac

When I was a broker for group insurance I worked with one Aflac rep and that was it no one else even got a call returned. He got a chance at all my groups and I even took him in and introduced him to them. It was a great relationship and you can bet I made him work his a** off to prove himself to me. In the end I trusted him with my groups. If you can get a broker to talk to you, and then earn thier trust you will have a great referral base. Good luck.
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

A friend of mine was an AFLAC DSC when I was newly licensed.

Here is the problem - it is essentially an insurance MLM. New agents can make 30-40% commission or so and a 9 month advance (remember that is NOT your money!) selling B2B.

There are a lot of problems. For starters I would assume most products are essentially 100% first year commission able - you are only getting 30-40% , the other 60% works its way up the food chain to your district, state, area, etc., etc.,

There is a lot of good with AFLAC...

1. Name recognition due to the duck
2. Payroll deduction means you are likely to have MOST clients 12 months at least (charge backs are lower than individual health insurance or someone not being payroll deducted. i.e. you can miss what you never had)
3. Product portfolio is good and easy to pitch (if you have the chance)

Here is the bad...

1. There are too many AFLAC agents and most districts concentrate on RECRUITING since the burn out rate is VERY HIGH - most people make little or no money.

2. The commissions are entirely too low. Now that I know better I sell Cancer and accident plans and life plans all day long that pay 70-100% commission.

3. They have NO marketing plan other than COLD CALLING the phone book or HANDING OUT BROCHURES at strip malls which can lead to major depression.

4. There is no base pay, no draw, 100% commission. So unless you have 3-6 months salary saved up (over 50% of Americans do not have $1000 saved) then you are IN BIG TROUBLE trying to do AFLAC, because it takes OVER A YEAR or TWO YEARS to make any good money - good money to them is $30-$40k or so... less your gas... less your time... less the props they make you buy such as talking ducks...

I DO think there is a VERY GOOD opportunity to sell AFLAC if you are a GROUP agent and can get the AFLAC sale with the GROUP, but to storm into a business and try to get through the gate keeper to make a "presentation" on someone elses GROUP medical is very difficult since often times the person who did the GROUP medical is someones brother, sister, or third cousin.

I just feel the AFLAC market is saturated and they have no strategy to acquire new business other than cold calling and pounding on doors - which is a rough life.

There are exceptions and superstars with anything and AFLAC is no exception, I am not bashing it one bit - if it works for you GREAT. I will say they are generally a very ETHICAL operation I don't see a lot of dishonest stuff (if any) going on with AFLAC they are pretty much as ethical as you can get (in this business anyhow).

It is a tough gig is all I am saying.... The NET is VERY small unless you do it for years (i.e. renewals), but how do you feed your family and pay the light bill in the meantime? Not to mention the $2000 laptop system they essentially make you buy so clients can "e-sign" , or the "splits" with your so called trainers - remember 99% of this gig is prospecting 1% is actually selling.

Good luck either way.
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

2. The commissions are entirely too low. Now that I know better I sell Cancer and accident plans and life plans all day long that pay 70-100% commission.

I'm in the market for some new accident and cancer plans. I'd love to know what you recommend based on your research and expertise. Thanks.

Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

I don't know your area or market, I would contact a few life GA'S and see what they have available - then contact the company and see if you can get a direct contract if you don't want to waste your time with a GA (who is getting a cut), this is your call.
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

I don't know your area or market, I would contact a few life GA'S and see what they have available - then contact the company and see if you can get a direct contract if you don't want to waste your time with a GA (who is getting a cut), this is your call.

I appreciate the input. Are the plans you offer only available in Texas?
Re: Getting started with Aflac - my problem or Aflac's

I'm in the market for some new accident and cancer plans. I'd love to know what you recommend based on your research and expertise. Thanks.


22, I am with Physicians Mutual Ins Co. here in MS. They have re-introduce their cancer plan in AL (I work the Mobile area) but not yet in MS, but they do offer it in Tx. As for an outright accident policy, we don't necessarily have that, but there is one tied to the hms (limited med) that cost a buck as a rider, 20K, along with the med-sup, indemnity and hosp. confinement plans.

I do not know how you may feel about PMIC, but for me I like them alot, at least here in Laurel, Ms. good folks in the division office. But I guess the reason I like them most is that I am non-captive, after being captive for two years, I like this alot.

There are some nice incentives for the new agent, a bonus just for Submitting a minimal number of apps per month, for the first three months.

It wouldn't hurt to check them out if you would just like to add a cancer policy. I guess from an agents point of view there are always some things these companies could do better, and PMIC is no different.

Just thought I would pass this along.
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Attorney to Aflac Sales? Help

I graduated from law school in 95 and since then have worked as an attorney in various capacities. Right now, I'm doing personal injury at a small firm. The pay is okay, but like a lot of people, I'd like to make more.

I was supposed meet with someone from Aflac this evening about a sales job, but I ended up cancelling. The job still intrigues me though. With all their advertising, Aflac is a well known company, so it seems I'd be selling a good product. I'd also like to have more control over my work and my potential earnings, and this would seem to fit the bill.

Anyone know how much money I could reasonably expect to make (assuming I'm good)? I'd seriously consider it if $75k-100k+ were a possibility. Also, what will I do for income in the six or so months it takes to get up to speed before commissions start rolling in? I certainly can't be without income during that time.

Any insights are greatly appreciated.
Re: Attorney to Aflac Sales? Help

Why why why why why?????

I would recommend you get real uptodate on taxes estate planning and asset protection. Get your insurance license and share with the agent the life insurance cases (for estate planning, for example). You will do far far better if you focus on networking with financial/insurance advisors. We are always looking for good attorneys to work with, and sadly, most attorneys suck at this stuff!

Where are you located?