NAIC to Recommend Gradual Implementation of MLR


100+ Post Club
According to The Hill:

"[T]he NAIC [will] soon formally ask Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to allow a transition period" for implementation of the MLR.

Could mean relief in commissions at least in the near term. In the long term, hopefully enough idiots in Congress will be replaced by new ones who will at least be bright enough to figure out a way to abolish this particularly stupid idea.
I don't think the government is capable of determining the accuracy of MLR filing reports even if it's an all-at-once implementation. Insurance company finances are shrouded in mystery like the Vatican's.
I just find the potential idea comical that it will be on a policy-by-policy basis (the administration's "ideal" to ensure everyone benefits who is covered).

Can you imagine the stacks of paperwork that the carriers would produce for the government to sort through? It would make the Pentagon look like a filing cabinet on an annual basis.