- 8,448
what...what... better bennies with aca plans.... you mean fox news has been wrong all this time?.... or lord Jesus take me now
You made me spit out my cookie!

My question is.......is anyone seeing this with off exchange p.p.o plan networks. I'm considering dropping my grandfathered plan this year as the price is the same with better benefits with a.c.a plan
There have been so many rules and back-tracks since last year, we've forgotten that there is no such thing as a ON or OFF exchange QHP, unless a state allows differences between Qualified Health Plans sold at the Marketplace, and QHP's sold at an insurer's website.
In my state, there is no network variance allowed. An Aetna 3500 PPO is the same cost-network-benefits, whether it's purchased at Aetna.com, or Healthcare.gov.
Blast from the past - Will People Who Enroll in Health Insurance Marketplace QHPs be Able to Qualify for Premium Assistance if they Enroll Directly through an Insurer
YAgents, because you employ a savvy accountant, you qualify for a 94% CSR Silver at $3.20 @ month premium. Are you sure that it's a good idea for you to bypass the Healthcare.gov gold mine?