National States Goes Tits Up...

All Frankie-In-Denial "business as usual" :no: needs to do is; log onto Nat States website and freaken read:

Agent questions:

Will National States continue to write new business?

No. National States stopped accepting new business effective with the above referenced court order on April 1, 2010.

Will agent commissions be paid?

Commission payments will continue for now. During the Rehabilitator's analysis of National States' operations, the continuation of commission payments will be reviewed.

Another Frankie-In-Denial quote: "I prefer to look on the positive side of announcements like this" :goofy::goofy::goofy:
Tits up lol...well I guess that's acurate as it would take some serious rehab/construction to get mine to stand back up..nothing like havin kids to make them fall down
As sorry as they were to work with, National States... not April's tits, they earned the situation they're in.

Poor communication.

Poor policy issue times.

Poor feedback, etc.

They can rehab all the way to a AAA rating and I'd not touch them except with a ERSD case or two.
Tits up lol...well I guess that's acurate as it would take some serious rehab/construction to get mine to stand back up..nothing like havin kids to make them fall down

That is too funny. I love agents who have a sense of humor.

In case I neglected to say so, I would like to extend a very warm welcome. There is no doubt that you are going to be a valuable asset to the forum.
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As sorry as they were to work with, National States... not April's tits, they earned the situation they're in.

Poor communication.

Poor policy issue times.

Poor feedback, etc.

They can rehab all the way to a AAA rating and I'd not touch them except with a ERSD case or two.

I concur with everything you said. I was not defending them, simply pointing out that rehabilitation does not necessarily mean that they are going out of business. Simply that the MO DOI has "put them on vacation" until they have a closer look at their finances.

They are unquestionably the most difficult company I have ever had when it comes to communication. I'm still, after several months, waiting for someone there to return my phone calls.

If they run their business the same way they return phone calls then it shouldn't surprise them that this is happening.
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Thanks Frank and thanks Gordon...don't think for one minute that I don't remind my adult daughter of the trauma she left my body in when she entered this world. God has a sense of humor though, my daughter had her own child and her girls fell down too:yes::D:laugh:
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Ok, on a more serious note I appreciate reading these post and finding out the inside scoop on some of the various products. Who agents like to work with, who not, what companies spread too much BS etc. As a newbie and someone who hopes this will be her last and "best" career I have already absorbed a lot of information in such a short time. I have been able to filter through some of the junk mail that I have been recieving from recruiters. Some big companies that according to this board have histories of not treating agents or clients well. Without that knowledge I would have already gone and signed with two of them. So thanks guys I am learning.
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