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All Frankie-In-Denial "business as usual" needs to do is; log onto Nat States website and freaken read:
Agent questions:
Will National States continue to write new business?
No. National States stopped accepting new business effective with the above referenced court order on April 1, 2010.
Will agent commissions be paid?
Commission payments will continue for now. During the Rehabilitator's analysis of National States' operations, the continuation of commission payments will be reviewed.
Another Frankie-In-Denial quote: "I prefer to look on the positive side of announcements like this"
Agent questions:
Will National States continue to write new business?
No. National States stopped accepting new business effective with the above referenced court order on April 1, 2010.
Will agent commissions be paid?
Commission payments will continue for now. During the Rehabilitator's analysis of National States' operations, the continuation of commission payments will be reviewed.
Another Frankie-In-Denial quote: "I prefer to look on the positive side of announcements like this"