Disregard as resolution has been found regarding last post

Hello everyone! Im a licensed agent in 50 states doing Medicare, ACA & Ancillary Benefits (HIP, Cancer/Heart/Stroke, Accident). This AEP I wanted to work independent as a Medicare Agent to get full commission instead of as in the past i was hourly and received like $100-125 per sale. The only probably is financially I cant go all those weeks without some kind of pay until we get that commission. I was thinking of while doing Medicare as an independent, am I able to do ACA with agency who pays me hourly. That way I have some income to survive on during that time. Is that any conflict of interest with the carriers? I did 140 apps last AEP and just want to reap the full benefits this year instead of a quarter. if anyone can think of other options that may work better and more efficiently please share! I wish I could go totally independent this year doing Medicare, ACA & Ancillary but I cant afford paying for leads to get on my feet to build that foundation. My goal is to financially be able to do that next year!
No disrespect but your were in a totally different world of being fed fish in a barrel leads calling you I’m sure . It’s much much different selling using your own leads . If you worked for a call center I’m sure no chargebacks after it went active . Telesales using only leads brutal persistency . Your working mostly low income
No disrespect taken. I see your point. Im sure there’s definitely a difference from having to talk to 50plus people in one day vs 10 and the conversion rate I would assume is way higher on your own compared to call center! I will get there..I’m determined. Just gotta financially plan for it right :)
If you’re determined you’ll make it . But as far as aca that will be double tough taking leads as the new rules that started July 19th make it challenging to even open a person you’re not the aor’s app. You must do it with a 3 ways call to marketplace . Will your call center release you this late to aep on your mapd contracts ?