Need help coming up a name for my agency.....

I need to name my agency. I am struggling.

No, you don't have to name your agency, "I am struggling". You have better choices. :laugh:

  • (Last name) Agency
  • Legacy Ins. Company
  • Cornhuskers Insurance Agency (I stole that one 'cause I thought it was cool.)
  • Ect. Agency
  • The ANI Guy
  • The Bald Headed Guy (Almost took that one myself.)
  • Life Around the Corner
Not going to matter much.

Start selling.

You want them to remember you.

Start selling


I've been a company man, an FMO guy, and am currently an Indy. Work hard, use the standard issue ANI card they give agents and start producing. Time will tailor your style and strengths, that will help you decide on a name in the future.

Focus on what counts... income. Grow your business, the rest will come in time.
Verify you want to do this. If you use a name other than your own name, you have to not only properly file the business name in every state, but you also have to get the entity insurance licensed in every state you plan to conduct business. This can add to ongoing costs & paperwork. If only 1 state, you should be fine. Just confirm what words you cannot use or if certain words must be used in your name in your state

This depends on if he's doing any other legal entity structure.

If he just does a FNS or DBA (Fictitious Name Statement or Doing Business As), he just needs to get that name approved by his state's DOI (assuming that he's not using his First and Last Name together). No need to file that anywhere else as he's just doing business as a sole proprietor.

But it does bring up another important point: If you use your name, you'd need to file that FNS/DBA if you don't use BOTH your first and last name. If you use only your last name in the agency name, you'd need to get that filed.

In addition, determine if your state has any improper or prohibited terms. I found out that California has BOTH 'improper' and 'unacceptable' terms that can't be used in naming your business.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - Improper Use of Words/Phrases

[EXTERNAL LINK] - Unacceptable Words/Phrases

Find out any lists that may exist for your state for naming your business entity and follow those guidelines.

As far as actually NAMING your agency... I wouldn't necessarily use words or phrases that would limit the way people perceive you and the work you do. With American National, you'll more than likely be expected to produce life insurance and annuity sales in addition to P&C sales.

I'd stick with your full name for now. You can get more creative later, if that inspiration should strike you.
Salukis are Southern Illinois, not Nebraska. :)


That one was to LifeHawk because I thought it sounded like he was going to appropriate the Cornhusker name for himself. His post was a bit vague on who the names were for though, so I might have misunderstood.

The only reason I know about Salukis is because they turned up here on a thrift store T Shirt once.

That one was to LifeHawk because I thought it sounded like he was going to appropriate the Cornhusker name for himself. His post was a bit vague on who the names were for though, so I might have misunderstood.

The only reason I know about Salukis is because they turned up here on a thrift store T Shirt once.
A former Saluki basketball coach was recently fired by Kansas St.
You gotta have ag in it somewhere ^_^ will help with search engine stuff I think. Maybe first and last initial “Ag insurance” or Agri? Some other buzzwords could be crop, co op, anyone have anything else agriculture related?