Need Some Carrier-Selection Help For This Case...

Shannon, now that you know it's not Jody, JD gave some pretty good advice, huh?

Full Throttle! Jody is not helping you out here. You were on the right path with American continental not RNA. With American continental you can give your client up 35k, oh yea american continental no MIB no scrip check either.

Shannon Davey
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Jody, you said American continental was one of your favorite companies to write but texas department of insurance says your not even appointed to write American continental.

Shannon Davey
Another whacky case........ 28T, depression, bi-polar, Huntington's disease. Carrier ideas?

That is a very serious neorological disease. I know someone with this and it gets progressively worse and worse until it eventually requires full nursing care. I've read that the life expectancy from diagnosis is about 15 yrs, but do not quote me on that. I would think the best thing you would be able to obtain there is ROP.

Where are you finding these cases...?
RNA would give you an answer at POS on the phone interview. You might want to do that and if it's a no go then do the AmCon.

I'm not sure on how he should answer the question you referenced. He would need to answer honestly, but I wouldn't know whithout having more info what the honest answer is.

RNA will do the MIB and RX check while you are on the phone.

Thanks everyone for your help. I thought this case was a lost cause, but it was issued with your help. $1600 in premium I otherwise would have given up on.
So, what is the verdict? Who had the best product for your client?

American Continential. The rates were only $4/month higher than RNA and the idea of no MIB check (recently declined for a high AC1 score) and easier qualifying questions were the reason. The client was thrilled to get coverage. He was sold on the premium amount, we just had to go with a much lower death benefit than originally desired.