Needs Based Selling?


New Member
How do you solve a client need when a client has no idea if they have a need.

i have read so much about it and still cant understand it. We know we have products and know the of many ways our products can help a client but when does the client know that if they havent seen what our solutions can do for them. Is it wrong of me to think that if i can expose say a problem with estate planning, taxation etc. would it then make snse that at that point now the client realizes he may have a problem or a need to solve that or to see how it can be mitigated?

let me know what you think. Im trying to stay on the right track in the selling process and be more effective.
Why would a suspect without a want even agree to see you and let you hunt for a want or a need?
How do people know they want something. Do we tell them over the phone about or products or solutions and then go meet them?
Pick ONE problem that you feel most people have, or could have at some point.

Find the best solution for that problem.

Then, approach prospects with the "Do you ever think about the consequences of ????".

Don't try to sell them on the need, try to sell them on the adverse consequences of "not preparing for ????".

???? =
dying leaving dependents with no money...
retiring with no money..........
being taxed to bankruptcy...........
becoming disabled...........
needing care for an extended number of years as you grow older.
Anything else you can come up with.

Seeing the need is not something they want you to help them do. They look at that as a new "cost" TO them
"Feeling" the consequences is where you have to get.
They look at that as you solving a problem FOR them.

Them "seeing" a need is logical. NO SALE.
Them "feeling" the consequences of a bad decision.$$$$$

I think the key is to find one problem, and get really good at discussing that one, then add others later. Trial and error.

Hope this helps, and good luck to you.
hey bill,

thanks for your input and i believe in what you just said
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i see it clearly. people will do anything to avoid pain and anything to gain pleasure.
consequence is pain, its the wrong decission the wrong strategy, and then its our job to show in a logical and valid way a better solutionto mitigate the pain.
So i guess it really isnt needs based selling but rather emotional based selling.

Thanks Bill
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