Needs Coverage with Krohn's Disease

Group will likely be the only option. However, Anthem BC/BS probably has a high deductible HSA version of a group plan. See whether you can qualify as a one person group with Anthem and look into a 5K or 10K HSA plan option. Likely you're only chance.
My opinions are based on the carriers I work with here. Maybe World or some other company would come in with an option there. Around here, Assurant, GR, Anthem (individual), Connecticare, Celtic and Aetna would say no.
If it makes any difference, my insurance business is incorporated and she is the treasurer and 50% owner. We also have an LLC where we own some investment real estate. She is soon to get her life and health license and will help me with seminars etc.

Would these things allow us to qualify for group coverage? She is a full-time employee of a company now and is covered by the group plan there. But we would like to get her away from there. She doesn't want to make future career choices based on needing health insurance.
If it makes any difference, my insurance business is incorporated and she is the treasurer and 50% owner. We also have an LLC where we own some investment real estate. She is soon to get her life and health license and will help me with seminars etc.

Would these things allow us to qualify for group coverage? She is a full-time employee of a company now and is covered by the group plan there. But we would like to get her away from there. She doesn't want to make future career choices based on needing health insurance.

It is of little use to ask here. Find yourself a good health agent in your area and ask him or her. Or do the research yourself. I've already done some of it for you and from what I can gather from Indiana law, yes you are eligible for group... but the question is whether or not you can afford the cost after the RAF (rate adjustment factor.)

Again, again, again... get yourself a good agent. THEN, report back here what this agent tells you.

Once you have a legitimate group of 2, then you cannot be turned down for a group policy under HIPAA. I'd look into Anthem group plans or perhaps another major player in Indiana. Most are offering HSA compatible higher deductible plans that can keep the rates at least realistic. As al3 says, find yourself a good agent. A good agent will know which group carriers are more favorable to groups if 1-2 employees.