Needy Meds, PPARx, Rx Assist


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Are these PAP's (patient assistance programs) going away due to Obamacare? Bob the insurance guy mentioned in a thread that one of his clients was losing Rx assistance due to Obamacare. Yesterday on the radio a lady called in to say she would no longer qualify for assistance because of Obamacare.

I don't see anything on the sites about this but wondering if any of you have heard the same and have some kind of documentation.
In my clients case, it has to do with funding. More people are signing up for assistance, and they just don't have enough money to go around. Also, they are starting to means test it, and some will lose assistance that way.

I don't know if it is DIRECTLY a result of Obamacare.
As I recall, your client was on Medicare. The lady that called in was under 65 with a health insurance plan and blamed Obamacare.

Whether that is valid or not, I can't say.

The PAP's may get federal funding, but I don't think so. The pharma companies get tax breaks in exchange for making low cost and no cost drugs available to qualified individuals.

There's a pony in here somewhere.