- 649
I have been critical of MA plans from the start mainly pffs. My biggest problem has been the way CMS and Insurance companies have jerked agents around.
Power is in numbers, we should as Agents banned together against the abuse.
Many had delusional thoughts of long term rewards by selling these plans.
Just how effective would any of these MA plans been without AGENTS?
The rules and regulations are ridiculous, the hoops you have to jump through the same!
I understand the high commissions brought out a lot of corrupt (agents) or people these were not Agents they were crooks. Go ahead Punish the offenders, look into greedy uplines.
Power is in numbers, we should as Agents banned together against the abuse.
Many had delusional thoughts of long term rewards by selling these plans.
Just how effective would any of these MA plans been without AGENTS?
The rules and regulations are ridiculous, the hoops you have to jump through the same!
I understand the high commissions brought out a lot of corrupt (agents) or people these were not Agents they were crooks. Go ahead Punish the offenders, look into greedy uplines.