Negative on MA


100+ Post Club
I have been critical of MA plans from the start mainly pffs. My biggest problem has been the way CMS and Insurance companies have jerked agents around.

Power is in numbers, we should as Agents banned together against the abuse.

Many had delusional thoughts of long term rewards by selling these plans.

Just how effective would any of these MA plans been without AGENTS?

The rules and regulations are ridiculous, the hoops you have to jump through the same!

I understand the high commissions brought out a lot of corrupt (agents) or people these were not Agents they were crooks. Go ahead Punish the offenders, look into greedy uplines.
I don't know why anyone would specialize in selling MA's. There's a lot more upside with LTCi.
I have been critical of MA plans from the start mainly pffs. My biggest problem has been the way CMS and Insurance companies have jerked agents around.

Power is in numbers, we should as Agents banned together against the abuse.

Many had delusional thoughts of long term rewards by selling these plans.

Just how effective would any of these MA plans been without AGENTS?

The rules and regulations are ridiculous, the hoops you have to jump through the same!

I understand the high commissions brought out a lot of corrupt (agents) or people these were not Agents they were crooks. Go ahead Punish the offenders, look into greedy uplines.

Of course, there were a number of experienced agents that churned MA's to make the quick buck. I think that there was also a great number of new agents, without enough experience in the senior market, that were thrown into the market by FMO's to blindly sign up everyone that could breathe and write at the same time. I personally fell into the catagory of experienced agent that believed in the MA product where appropriate. Had I known all this crap with CMS and the carriers was going to occur, I would have NEVER written a single app. for MA's. I believe that CMS and the carriers would be guilty of collusion if they were not different entities... The end result has been egg on the face of a lot of good agents whom were misled by both.
The uprising must come from the Medicare Beneficiaries, not the agents. We are not the customers, they are.

Anyone who hangs their hat solely on MA sales Nov - January is foolish.

I believe MA's are right for some, but not for others.
I'd have to have a client beg me for an MA. I had a lady last week wanting the low premium.... She's in OE and thought we could go paint beautiful rainbows together with a zero premium brush.

I told her as nicely as a choir boy..(due to a brain injury from a car accident many years ago,) that a med sup was all I would do for her.
I'm a big fan of a local medicare select plan. 12 year track record...Very nice premiums.
$77.05 for plan F NS In Iowa.

:cool: Greenhorn
I'd have to have a client beg me for an MA. I had a lady last week wanting the low premium.... She's in OE and thought we could go paint beautiful rainbows together with a zero premium brush.

I told her as nicely as a choir boy..(due to a brain injury from a car accident many years ago,) that a med sup was all I would do for her.
I'm a big fan of a local medicare select plan. 12 year track record...Very nice premiums.
$77.05 for plan F NS In Iowa.

:cool: Greenhorn

77.00 for plan F ? That's a no brainer.It would be negligent to not suggest that over MA but here in North Fl lowest premium for standard plan F for ages 66-79 is 174.00 so MA is still very viable - at least this year.

I have been selling 90% MA but i am really tired of all the crap and extra work that comes with it. Maybe Obama will give some sort of tax credit for med supp premiums since he is cutiing MA spending.
I'm a big fan of a local medicare select plan. 12 year track record...Very nice premiums.
$77.05 for plan F NS In Iowa.

:cool: Greenhorn
But isn't a select plan similar to an MA plan in that you must go to a network provider? What if she moves and is then uninsurable for a standard plan?

We really don't have select plans in CA so if my question is based upon ignorance, it is!

But isn't a select plan similar to an MA plan in that you must go to a network provider? What if she moves and is then uninsurable for a standard plan?

We really don't have select plans in CA so if my question is based upon ignorance, it is!


Network providers is only for hospitals.You can use any hospital in an emergency situation. You can choose any doctor. If she is uninsurable, buy AARP or BC/BS...they'll take anybody breathing in most states.
Another good thing about Select plans is that they don't change benefits every year!

Another wave of the future will be the "co-pay" Medicare Supplement. NAIC is pushing the "co-pay" MedSupp.

I just hope these people in MA plans have a way out. This could get ugly! :1confused:
just hope these people in MA plans have a way out. This could get ugly!

Several of these carriers have med supps so i imagine that they would transistion their policy holders over if client so chose.