Netquotes and Prospect Zone


1000 Post Club
So I bought some group health leads from Prospect Zone because I had to through my UnitedHealth One contracting.

So I stopped by one of the leads I got offices yesterday.

She was very upset. She submitted one request for group quotes with Netquotes. She received 14 different brokers calls.

I am still going to get to quote the business. I know the market a hell of a lot better than the other bozos calling on her.

So I at odds with these shared leads. Maybe I just elect the the zip codes in a 15 mile radius of my location.
Hey, why sell it only once or twice when you can sell it 14 or 15 times. Actually, there are probably another 4 or 5 agents who received it that haven't responded yet.

I'm glad you get to quote the business. Next time, can you have her return my phone call(s)????

Shared lead are a headache I think. See if you can purchase "exclusive leads" with your UHC money instead. They are less likely to be called by as many agents.