New Agency E & O


New Member
Can anyone point me in the direction of an agent who can provide me with E & O coverage for a new start up agency?

Most the E & O I have seen requires three years of business or minimum commissions. I will be using of the wholesalers until I get an appointment.

90/10 P & C to L & H

Most of the stuff I have found is for existing agents.

Not certain if you can go through her directly; you may have to apply through Insurance Noodle but she'll let you know the m.o..
Anne E. Higginson
InsuranceNoodle, Inc.,
a division of Willis-HRH
222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60606

Ph: 312-423-8669
Fx: 312-423-8605
[email protected]
Visit the website for the National Assoc of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA). Depending on the state your located in, we have programs available for most agents, including start ups.