desert boy
One thing I do that may seem a bit over the top...but...
I have calculated a "lifetime value" per average client. Based on average length of tenure, average commission, average number of referrals, etc. So ROI on a print ad for me might be 3:1 first year and 15:1 based on lifetime value
My last print ad (this week) was 1/2 page in local newspaper- result was 9 calls that day x .60 close ratio= 5 policies x 110 avg 1st yr commish= $550
also...5 new policies will generate 1.5 referrals and will also be upsold and additional .7 policies in the next year...they will stay with the agency an average of 7 years so...total client value for that one advertisement was......Good
Damn, I like how you track that so well, I need to get better at that