New Agent (please Help)


New Member
I'm currently in the process of studying to get my insurance license. I have no experience in this industry so I'm trying to get an idea as to what the best thing to do would be. Currently I'm talking with Farmer's Insurance. From what I'm being told it seems like it's too good to be true.. which makes me nervous. I've been offered a salary for the first two years, after my initial sells are completed, which seems like it would be useful. The problem is if I don't meet my quota I would need to pay back the salary and if I were to be terminated I wouldn't have rights to any of the policies I've established. The quota for the first year is 40 policies(home/auto/ect) and 4 life policies per quarter, changing to 60/4 the second year. I'm debating on rather it would be better for me to try and start my own independent agency instead of signing on with Farmer's. I figure theres two benefits to doing it this way. The first being that I could keep my customers even if I don't meet a quota. The second being I would also be able to sell insurance from more than one carrier which would let me offer the best rate to each customer (at least that's my understanding).

So... any advice?
try aflac you do not need to meet quotas the hell with being stress at your job. like i said you should look into aflac i like the duck commercials my self good luck in your job search
Going Independent sounds good but for P&C with no experience its almost impossible.... Hard to get and expensive E&O, hard to impossible to get carrier appointments.... You may be better served looking into a producer position at an independent.
try aflac you do not need to meet quotas the hell with being stress at your job. like i said you should look into aflac i like the duck commercials my self good luck in your job search

Same advice as for Farmers from the Duck run.
My experience is that eventually on the corporate side you'll find yourself reporting to a blockhead/psychopath. On the other hand, everyday I wake up not employed, free and full of ambition. Every day is a gift...:)