New Agent Please Help


New Member
I started selling insurance because a friend of mine, whom I've know since we we're in the second grade, said that he found a way that we could be come rich in the next five years. I was invited to a meeting and was told that every sale that the average sale that i would make would be $50 which would translate into $600 in app and i would make about $200 per day. I would also see renewals from this sale which would make me a millionaire within 5-10 years. I was sold lol. What he didnt tell me was that he was struggling with this company and that he would receive override by my being there.
I was told go knock doors until i got comfortable with the door script and learned the presentation (which i found very helpful). I was then given leads to start off and told to run the leads. Long story short after about a month in i started asking questions like how are the people above us get paid they dont do personal production anymore. Then was told that they get paid from my sales. This made me look at my contract again to see what i had actually signed. I read it when i got it but i read it with rose colored glasses. The contract said nothing about me being apart of a mlm. lol
I have been working here for about 4 months and am realizing that i am not going to make the 100k in my first year unless some huge changes took place in my business. I then started looking for other option. I quickly realized that i was being raked over the coals with commissions. I found that i could never see more than 42% commissions. I want to leave today but i owe like $700 and i dont want to be taken to small claims court. I've lost more than i've gained in this situation and would like to do some damage control. This situation has kind of screwed up my life. Could someone pls offer me some advice. I dont know how to leave. I still want to sell insurance but i dont want to be apart of mlm. I just want to be able to take care of my family. Can someone help please.
Take a breather bud, everything will be ok. $700 is a very small debit balance and if you are able to successfully sell door to door, then it won't take long to pay it back.

There are a handful of guys on this forum that will offer you contracts that will pay you twice the commission level that you are being paid now. I reccomend that you see which forum members want to throw their name in the hat to work with you and interview all of them.

Hang in there.