New Foresters Application


1000 Post Club
any feedback on the Foresters app? I did my first two yesterday and both of them were a pain in the arce. In fact they were so bad I sent my next two to Americo.

It might be me but the new questions seem much harder to read and understand. Both of my clients had a very hard time understanding what was being asked of them. The 2nd client became so frustrated I finaly suggested we go to a different company and pay the additional $8 per month
my phone interveiw went the same way. In fact the lady asked me every question twice and wanted me to spell everything out as well. She sounded new and became offeneded when I volunteered the clients full middle name. She said the whole name wasn't necessary, which isn't how it used to be.

I am thining Americo and Mounumental might be looking better and better. The phone interveiw must have teken 15 minutes. I was in a nasty philthy home with no air and it was 97 degrees out. I was sweating like a stuck pig,

It was in the worst ghetto in Jacktown and I was driving a big black 740il with heavily tinnted windows. pit bulls were everywhere. I could have scored some good crack tho!!!!
Their new interview is complete BS. It is longer and much worse. I didn't think it was possible, but it is.
With the changes, it seems Forester's wants to piss off their sale force, and slowly drift away from the final expense market place...Between hearing this, and the problems they have paying death claims, why would you want to place a client with them?
Why do you think they are making these changes?

I'm not an employee of Forester's, thus I'm don't know why they are making their PHI longer....You own your own Insurance company, so please share your thoughts as to why Forester's PHI is probably taking 15-20 minutes
From what I am hearing about Foresters on death claims why would you want to place anyone with them?
When Foresters first came out with the FE plan I told everyone of my prior experiences with Foresters and how difficult they would be.

Many on here said it was just sur grapes and that Foresters had changed.

I may not own an insurance company:D, but I am a pretty good seer!