New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To Come?


5000 Post Club
When the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 was passed it increased funding to MA plans and created Medicare Part D which ended up being a complete and total logistical disaster when it was implemented. During the first 6 months of everything becoming effective the thing was in many ways an absolute mess, and that was just a voluntary RX benefit. MIPPA came through and knocked everyone marketing MA plans on their backside and the "new commission tracking systems" were a wreck and kept agents from getting paid for months. Now that this new bill has passed the government will be creating an entire exchange system, are any of the Medicare bills in recent history a good indication of the utter debacle that is about to unfold?
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

When the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 was passed it increased funding to MA plans and created Medicare Part D which ended up being a complete and total logistical disaster when it was implemented. During the first 6 months of everything becoming effective the thing was in many ways an absolute mess, and that was just a voluntary RX benefit. MIPPA came through and knocked everyone marketing MA plans on their backside and the "new commission tracking systems" were a wreck and kept agents from getting paid for months. Now that this new bill has passed the government will be creating an entire exchange system, are any of the Medicare bills in recent history a good indication of the utter debacle that is about to unfold?

"If you like the plan youi have now you can keep it.' Of course if that plan is an MA plan Obama is doing everything he can to eliminate it or cut the subsidty to it. The under 65 plans are following the same parralel universe. If you like your plan you can keep it, except when the penalties and incentives are all said and done you are only going to like what Obama likes.

Change you can believe in.
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

"If you like the plan youi have now you can keep it.' Of course if that plan is an MA plan Obama is doing everything he can to eliminate it or cut the subsidty to it. The under 65 plans are following the same parralel universe. If you like your plan you can keep it, except when the penalties and incentives are all said and done you are only going to like what Obama likes.

Change you can believe in.

I hate those MA plans and the companies that sell them and the free loading agents making a living giving those plans away. I just hope Obama isnt as slow about ending those MA's as he is ending those bogus wars he promised to get us out of.:1arghh:
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

I hate those MA plans and the companies that sell them and the free loading agents making a living giving those plans away. I just hope Obama isnt as slow about ending those MA's as he is ending those bogus wars he promised to get us out of.:1arghh:

I can always count on you to make some loosely related and uneducated response. I believe at this point most of the agents living off of MA business are either supplementing it with other products or polishing their resumes to find a "real job".

Obama isn't going to end MA plans, he's going to cut their funds to make them unsustainable to divert money towards a national health plan which will also be underfunded and be expected to do too much.

Hopefully you've read through this far and can handle at least one more thought, the point I'm exploring here is that it's entirely possible that if Obama is calling the MA programs and PDP programs a failure, he and congress have just created a program that is similarly destined to fail and will reach out to virtually every American, not just those on Medicare.

Speaking of the wars, the (erroneous) argument was made that pulling out of the iraq would result in a cost savings substantial to cover the cost of a national healthcare system. Jokes on U.S., Obama wants to continue to fund those wars AND create a national healthcare system we can't afford. To make things even more exciting, he is taking money away from Medicare which is already set to be financially insolvent by 2017 at the most recent estimate by the hospital fund trustees.
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

Hopefully you've read through this far and can handle at least one more thought, the point I'm exploring here is that it's entirely possible that if Obama is calling the MA programs and PDP programs a failure, he and congress have just created a program that is similarly destined to fail and will reach out to virtually every American, not just those on Medicare.

The Republicans gave the drug companies a clearer path to rob the public out of billions thru the MA and PDP programs and now the Dems are givng the Drs and the hospitals a clearer path to rob the public out of billions. The general public cant win as both these parties are nothing but tools of the rich. :1arghh:
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

The Republicans gave the drug companies a clearer path to rob the public out of billions thru the MA and PDP programs and now the Dems are givng the Drs and the hospitals a clearer path to rob the public out of billions.

That wasn't as big of a slam dunk for the drug companies as you seem to think it was. The dems aren't exactly helping the doctors and hospitals by cutting reimbursement levels. Let's just pretend that you didn't say that because I don't want to detract from the next point you made any more than I have to.

The general public cant win as both these parties are nothing but tools of the rich. :1arghh:

That's the way the political system as it sits now. Congress and the White House don't set the agenda for America, big business (not the way you're thinking, like international bank big business) and the ruling elite set the agenda for this country. The reason we don't see much difference between the the Bush and Obama administrations (yes, there have been some differences, but our national policy hasn't changed and most of what is changing is more steps in the same direction Bush was taking us) is because Bush was bought and paid for by the same folks that got Obama elected. It's not just those two parties, it's the entire political system as it sits now. The reason why this health bill went through is because "the powers that be" wanted more control, not because it's what's good for America.

I know that might sound a bit tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorist, but I don't think it's as far fetched as I'd like to believe.
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

Hopefully you've read through this far and can handle at least one more thought,...

Excellent post. It's nice to hear from an agent who has a realistic grasp on what is going on.

I think you are making a huge assumption that he can both read and understand what is written. You are too kind.
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

... as both these parties are nothing but tools of the rich. :1arghh:

Heh heh heh, heh heh heh....he said "tool" ...heh heh heh

Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

I think you are making a huge assumption that he can both read and understand what is written. You are too kind.
Im putting you on the clock "Frankie".....Lets see how many days you can go before you come into this forum with one of your fake shill nics. I will be waiting to point it out but since I cant read you have nothing to fear. :1arghh:
Re: New Health Bill, Were Part D and MIPP A Shadow Of Things To C

Im putting you on the clock "Frankie".....Lets see how many days you can go before you come into this forum with one of your fake shill nics. I will be waiting to point it out but since I cant read you have nothing to fear. :1arghh:

What does that mean in English?