*NEW*Loss Run Request Builder

Whats up everyone,

I am launching a new website and looking for FREE trial users to provide feedback. This website will save everyone of you time in building a loss run request letter.

Website Benefits:
This website is your solution for requesting loss runs for the year you were not the BOR. Don't put this responsibility into your clients hands and if your working with a prospect the last thing you want is to request the insured to order loss runs from the current BOR. This will tip off the agent and send him/her immediately blocking all available markets.

How it works?
1. Fill out Insured's info
2. Fill out Policy #, Years and Carrier Name.
3. Click submit.

Next you will see a professional PDF letter head including the info you provided and the phone and/or fax number to the carrier you selected.

Please let me know if anyone is interested in signing up for free. No Credit Card or any payment method is needed!

I'm assuming most of us have a pre-filled loss run letter template where we just fill out insured info and policy #s. Also, I believe most carriers will notify the BOR before they release the loss runs and if not, carrier fax #'s aren't that hard to find. I'm not sure I understand the benefit.
I'm assuming most of us have a pre-filled loss run letter template where we just fill out insured info and policy #s. Also, I believe most carriers will notify the BOR before they release the loss runs and if not, carrier fax #'s aren't that hard to find. I'm not sure I understand the benefit.

Just think your entering your prospects info is a benefit for him.
Just think your entering your prospects info is a benefit for him.

Norwayguy- There is still good ethical business people in this world.. I am one of the honest and ethical individuals. I don't do business because I am greedy, not trying to get filthy rich off this. So please don't judge. Also, as the administrator of this website I do not have access to your database which holds your loss run request info.

I'm a millennial who has been licensed since 18 years old (2008). My mother is a agent and introduced me into the industry at a young age. I built this website because there is technology that can make our work lives easier, faster and more reliable to manage. I know what every broker, marketing team and CSR employee goes through on the daily. This is why I am best fit to build the applications. Not so I can cherry pick your contacts.

Yes we use a word template to send out loss run request prior to this application. My application provides you the carrier contact information.
Also it handles the layout and styling of the document. Plus next year when you need to provide the loss runs again to renew you simply hit a reproduce button and all you need to change is the "Today Date" and if the insureds contact info changed.

Honestly more then 90% of the insurance carriers DO NOT report to the incumbent broker that loss runs where requested by the insured.
I see the merit of such a service because I've used one similar that's been around for a while called allthingsinsurance. The reason it was worth spending money on is because they guaranteed results and had a directory of accurate contacts for ordering the loss runs which eliminated the leg work of finding the contact; not a difficult task but can be time consuming.

Who hasn't gotten the run around for sending the request to the parent companies home office only to be told, after bouncing from department to department, that it needs to be sent elsewhere?

I was always a do it yourself kind of person; had my own directory of contacts for all types of requests. But there comes a point where it just makes sense to pay that monthly or annual fee because it's worth it's weight, that point usually coincides with how valuable your time is..

My experience with them was 95 of 100 times getting loss runs was a breeze, the other 5 times I was ordering from Erie:)

Regardless of how you order them, if the carrier personnel have half a brain they're going to tell the U/w who will tell the agent. Obviously you've got a chance of staying under the radar if you go straight to the carrier but odds are the incumbent will get word so that isn't selling me on it.

My question to the OP is what have you done to improve upon an existing service or differentiate yourself? They've got a 'guaranteed' template (they will step in if you follow their instructions for ordering), admittedly a very good directory of contacts (I was skeptical), it's easy to use and is easy to update in the following years.

I know what it's like being the newcomer, offering a service someone else has all ready cornered over a decade ago...your advantage is they're set in their ways and you (should) have a fresh take on the matter to improve upon their design. You've got the active experience while they've been out of the trenches for to long, losing touch with the customers they serve.

www.InsuranceXdate.com - Prospecting Data for Commercial Agencies
Xdate my number #1 goals is to have the most robust and advanced system available. Of course this takes time, money and strategic planning. I have a September launch date of the "basic" system which is on the same level of functionality as allthingsinaurance but much easier to use and way easier on the eyes. I want to bring in users to use it a few months and hopefully not discover any bugs with the system. Planning on rolling next level updates the first of the year. As well as a completely new product. Sorry I can't give any hints but stay tune as it's going to be great!
Xdate my number #1 goals is to have the most robust and advanced system available. Of course this takes time, money and strategic planning. I have a September launch date of the "basic" system which is on the same level of functionality as allthingsinaurance but much easier to use and way easier on the eyes. I want to bring in users to use it a few months and hopefully not discover any bugs with the system. Planning on rolling next level updates the first of the year. As well as a completely new product. Sorry I can't give any hints but stay tune as it's going to be great!

I'd be interested in giving it a try. Currently with allthingsinsurance. But agreed the interface is tough on the eyes.