New Member - 40 Yrs P&C Experience

Welcome! What state are you in? Do you work personal lines or/and commercial? More people to share information is always a good thing.
Welcome to the forum. If you have 40 years of experience, you will be able to add very valuable content to this forum. We like Newbies, but it's even better to have a master aboard! Welcome!
40 years, wow. I bet Rouse and Arn are happy...they now have somebody to talk with about the growing up in the Great Depression. Or, was it the industrial revolution?
Welcome, Phil! This forum is heavy with life and health agents, so a new P&C Guru is always welcome. Agents staring out, like me, always need help from P&C pros!
Welcome PhilL!!! Looking forward hearing about your experiences.

To new Forum members: Please fill your profile out with your State. When you do that, the State flag will show by your name. When you place your cursor on the flag, it tells you where the member is from.

AgentM: PhilL is from Florida. Which State are you in?