I just got my P&C in NJ and plan on getting my non-res for NY. I am opening an office for personal lines in NYC in the next 30 days. I've been searching for E&O coverage as well as worthy appointments and wholesalers to work with moving forward.
For E&O Insurancebee maybe the only option on NYS still you need +4 years as license producer and be ready for a $2400 year premium in one shot - for MGA's Morstan, NE Agencies and cmsrisk. for direct appointment -- progressive and mercury I'm also looking for a partner PM if interested.
Good Luck!
Weclome to the group, I am going indy in NY as well. You may want to consider doing PL's outside the city, it is difficult to get appointments with carriers and its a lot of sub standard risk. NYC is great for commercial.