New To Business


New Member
Looking for some help! I am just finishing my L/H license training and have been interviewing for an agent position. To date i have been offered a position with, Sterling Life, UIG, and AIG. I live and would be doing business in MI. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks in advance for the help,
I would avoid Sterling. I don't know UIG. I would buy stock in AIG, it is way too low. Oops, strike that, I can't give stock advice. ;)
Boiler room dial till you drop out of the phonebook. If that is your cup of tea, ...

They dropped their PDP for 2009 and I am not sure about their PFFS, which leaves you with their Med Sups and whatever else they sell.

Do a search and read what has already been posted instead of asking the same question in multiple posts. It is much easier and more likely to get you a quicker answer to a question that has been asked many times before.
Go the independent route and Learn & Earn at the same time!

You can market 4 iddy bitty $50 month premium final expense policies and make a heck of a lot more than having a boss.

Why "work" for someone ? ? ?

Good luck with your trek wherever it takes you . . .

No matter the source of the income - have "fun" earning it!
