New to the Game

I'm starting out as an independent broker so I hope that you will be patient with me. Despite the fact that it may be going away, I recently completed the training and certified as an Marketplace Broker. Can I access the SHOP Marketplace on directly or am I required to select a web broker like HealthSherpa or ACA Express? I am a bit confused by this part of the process. Thanks so much.

Welcome to agents and the summer months...

1. SHOP is a joke. You can get the same rates direct from the carriers and using SHOP puts an audit target on their back. Run away.

2. Use a webbroker. Its worth every penny. Especially since you are NOT supposed to have a clients user name and password for the FFM.

3. Do tutorials with both Sherpa and ACA Express. Use whichever one you like best, but have BOTH going into OEP. You never know when one of them may crash. (Having all your clients in place will help after OEP and for reporting purposes later)

I hope you are in a state that is still paying on FFM and wish you the best of luck!
Sorry Key2Failure, but I don't speak gibberish. You probably do, so why don't you offer to help him.

And like I said "Is there a reason why you responded like an ass as opposed to simply asking him for clarification?......That's assuming you really wanted to provide assistance."