NFL - RIP? Time Will Tell

We're a pro football house because not only do we enjoy the game, but we work with many people (mostly men) who are ardent fans of their particular team, have season seats or corporate boxes, etc. But we've stopped watching as much as we used to for one reason: too many commercial interruptions.

It is simply not enjoyable as it used to be when every other minute is a sales-pitch. We've been recording some games and skipping through the commercials but there are so many of them that you have the remote in one hand and the glass of beer in the other... and when you forget which is which... it is very embarrassing!

We like to watch the college games because most of them are not so ad-heavy as the pros.

The NFL is killing itself with greed.
All sports are declining in viewership as the average age of the viewer increases because millennials tend to like digital content. You will also notice that the interest in football has increased on the internet with fantasy football. There is a whole other market being developed online offsetting television viewership.

How the nfl and team owners monetize that is to be seen.
I just read the eulogy:

With Great Sadness, I Did Not Watch the National Football League on Sunday

Wow, the NFL just lost a huge fan. Unfortunately they lost me a year ago.

I have been quite busy the last few weeks, so I didn't get a chance to watch it on the weekend, but tonight I watched Sunday's NASCAR race, and I was so impressed by the Marine who sang the anthem, and so pleased to see everyone standing, hand on heart, many with smiles on their faces.

What an amazing contrast.

And the NASCAR crowd wasn't politicizing their sport, they weren't sending a messaage, they just love God, family and country.
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For me it's a combination of things. I'm a Steeler's fan from birth (when your raised in Pittsburgh their are only two teams - The Steeler's and who's playing them).

Frankly unless it directly affects my team, I don't give a damn about the other games. The amount of football on the tv over the weekend is saturated. I just want a break and often will have the TV off during game time. Like NYLife mentioned above, the amount of commercials is killing the game when it is on.

I also think that its become a bit to complex with the rules. I'm a soccer fan as well and there are only 11 rules that guide that game. 11.
Rush Home

I'm just curious if the forum would let you put in Rush Limbaugh's site without changing the URL...

Looks like it does! Well, there's another positive thing about this forum update! lol

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