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Some veteran agents may remember when companies were only drafting on particular days, which were only 4-5 times a month. This was before Wednesday SS paydays came along, and SS was always paid on the 3rd. One company was only submitting ACH drafts on Mondays. I remember complaining to different execs about this. I explained that with many clients, if the 3rd fell on Tuesday and they didn't draft until next Monday, they would go NSF. Their answer was, "Well, it's the client's responsibility to make sure the money stays there until we draft." Clear case of home office disconnect! (Fortunately, they finally got the point, and updated their system to handle daily drafts. But they still haven't gotten up to speed on Wednesday paydays!)I don't believe that at all I think the lack of true Social Security billkng comes from a disconnect between the company and the people that sell the product along with the people that buy it.