non resident licensing confusion


I have noticed several forum members solicit clients all over the US, using internet based lead systems.
And I think they are selling across state lines.

If a potential client is in a state where the agent does not have a resident or non resident license, can the sale be legally completed on-line; ie: agent resides in Texas, gets a lead from Arizona where he is not licensed, but through the wonders of the web has the client fill out the application and submits it online. Does the agent need to be licensed (non resident) in Arizona?

Will the various carriers require the agent to be licensed in the state before accepting the deal?
You must have a non-resident license in every state where you solicit business. This is because you need to add to the income of each insurance department (and there really is no other reason).

Although I dont sell underage health, to my understanding, Assurant will allow you to sell in another state without proper licensing?

Anyone confirm this?
I know of one totally web-based carrier that claims that you do not need a non-res when the applicant is completing an online app. Without a doubt if you are mailing, faxing or emailing the app to the client, you must be licensed in the state in which the app is signed.
" I know of one totally web-based carrier that claims that you do not need a non-res when the applicant is completing an online app. "

Who might that be Ed?

It is ILLEGAL to sell insurance in a state you are not licensed in. However Assurant does have a loophole in their online applications. At the end of the application it asks State solicited, as long as you change that into a state you are licensed in then you will get credit for it.

Kind of shady but it's been that way for at least 2 years.
Please explain how 'Sircon' comes into play if you have a client ready to purchase; assuming the lead was generated in a state where you aren't yet licensed? Isn't 'Sircon' just an expediter of licensing? Would the carrier accept the application if licensing in a state is pending? Can Sircon get the licensing processed any quicker than I can?
The carrier will not pay you unless you hold a valid non res license. The only exception I have seen is some "association" plans (NOT GR / UHC) but goofy associations.

I would run away from anyone telling you a license is not required.